Free Patterns
Here are some free patterns I have found on the web. Hopefully you'll be able to find some of my own patterns here soon. Be sure to come back frequently to check for any new patterns added. If you know of a free pattern that you would like to see here, please drop me a note with the URL. Thanks and happy crafting!
PLEASE NOTE: I am not affiliated with any of these sites. They are not listed in any specific order beyond when I found them during my searching. I have no control or say in the content of any of the above sites that weren't written or designed by me. If you would like your site removed, please e-mail me.
- Teddy Bear Fridgie from Crochet Memories - Small bear sitting down.
- Teddy Bear from - Cute bear with links to pilgrims outfits and a sundress that can be made for it.
- Chenille Tiny Teddy Bear from Lionbrand - I've made this little cutie before. It works up fast and is relatively easy to do.
- Crochet Pattern from Teddies for Tragedies - Volunteers create bears to be sent to children in various third world countries.
- Hat and Scarf Set from Up North - A cute hat and scarf set for teddy bears. While you're there, also check out their loop stitch patterns.
- Little Teddy Bear from Mielke's Farm - Create this 4" teddy bear in no time.
- Precious Moments Teddy Bear from Operation Teddy Bear - PDF file with the pattern that is intended to be used for charitable causes.
- Teddy Bear with Heart from Yarn Tree - A cute little brown bear sitting next to a heart. Designed to be done on perforated paper. Also has a link to instructions for beginner cross-stitchers.
- Baby Teddy Bear Sweater- An adorable sweater for your little one with sizes 6 months, 12 months and 1 to 2 years old.
- Various Patterns From - 10 delightful patterns for knitting teddy bears and clothes for them.
- Knit Pattern from Teddies for Tragedies - Volunteers create bears to be sent to children in various third world countries.
- Teddy Bear Sewing Card from - A cute little teddy bear to help start even the youngest on sewing.
- Bear Crafts from - A bunch of bear craft projects ranging from beading to potpourri and more.
- Miniature Angel Bear from Crafty Cottage - This cute little angel of a bear is 2 3/4" tall.
PLEASE NOTE: I am not affiliated with any of these sites. They are not listed in any specific order beyond when I found them during my searching. I have no control or say in the content of any of the above sites that weren't written or designed by me. If you would like your site removed, please e-mail me.
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